Friday, December 31, 2010

In the year of Our Lord, 2011...

I resolve to:
  • exercise moderation in the pursuit of all things, particularly the quality of being moderate
  • give a Dutch oven to a Dutch girl
  • eat less cheese / destroy fewer commodes
  • give without any thought of reciprocity, especially in instances of ass-kickings and STDs
  • not rage violently about things such as cyclists, democrats, the New York Rangers, Texas' sodomy laws, the Amish, the lack of good bagel shops in Houston, my ever-increasing volume of ear hair, etc...
  • see at least five films in theatrical release (the gauntlet is thrown... bring it on, Hollywood)
  • make every effort as one man to bring parachute pants back into style
  • be less overtly gassy in the company of friends and family (NEVER gonna happen)
  • write more
  • put more effort into grooming myself
  • put more effort into grooming my dog
  • put more effort into grooming the lawn
  • put more effort into becoming a groom (grooming myself will hopefully help towards this end)
  • be a bigger bad ass than I was in 2010 (a tall order, indeed)
  • be more resolute

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